A group of people with shared interests representing organizations dedicated to increasing access to the healing powers of the outdoors for all service members, veterans, and their families.



We invite you to represent your organization’s interests and values as a member of the Outdoor Rx Coalition.

Our members are essential to our achieving our goals:

  • Raising awareness of veterans' issues

  • Formulating policy

  • Advocating for the changes needed to increase veterans' access to the outdoors

  • Ensuring the implementation of the recommendations in the Outdoor Rx Report

If you’re a service provider, join the coalition & help us improve

access to the outdoors for veterans & their families

Membership is free & new members are accepted on an ongoing basis. The primary requirement is that you have the authority to represent your organization.

Outdoor Rx Coalition Coverage Summary

The Outdoor Rx Coalition facilitates collaboration among public & private partners to improve access to the healing power of nature for all New York military-connected communities.

  • The coalition currently has over 150 unique member organizations

  • Representation in all 9 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation regions

  • Members in 54 of NYS’s 62 counties

Below is a sample representation of our member organizations. Click the link to see all of the Outdoor Rx Coalition’s members.

Contact Us

For media, research, or general inquiries, please fill out this form or email info@outdoorrxcoalition.org